Logos: Check preferred version for web. Supplied option a little flat maybe, here’s a few samples where I increased the contrast and added some styling to it… view logo samples.

Labels & Headings: A bit of a mix at present to see how it looks. Maybe check some other similar websites for ideas and then come up with a more standardised set we can use consistently across the website… bookings vs appointments vs book a session, services vs specialities vs specialist therapies etc?

Branding: Would be useful to use a descriptive keyword with ‘Dove Space’ throughout the site, ie. ‘Dove Space Counselling’ or something similar, rather than Dove Space on it’s own, to signal this association to the search engines…

Bookings: Will need to check/finalise schedule for launch, check/change labels. Otherwise working and looking OK? Check emails are OK and then run a final test of the workflow… view bookings form | login to view admin panel.

Contact/Location: ‘Personal’ directions… Dovespace is centrally located in Lake Street, just down from XXXX Street Coming from the north, watch for… If you’re coming from the south, turn off … photo of building or entry? Off street parking?


Fees & Rebates

Fee Payment
Fees are payable at the end of the session by cash or EFTPOS, and in some cases Direct Deposit. You may be able to access a rebate for services if you are a member of a Private Health Care Fund or have been issued with a current Mental Health Care Plan from your treating General Practitioner (GP) or Psychiatrist. Medicare Rebates can be claimed directly at Cairns Psychologists’ office at time of payment.

Medicare Rebate
The MHCP will enable you to receive a significant rebate off your fee. To be eligible for a Medicare rebate, you will need to be issued with a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP), by your treating practitioner. Your GP will assess your eligibility prior to your initial consultation with a treating psychologist. If eligible, your GP will prepare a MHCP referral. A MHCP permits individuals to access rebates for a maximum of ten sessions of both individual and group therapy sessions, per calendar year. Please Note: It is not necessary to obtain a referral from your treating practitioner to access psychological services.

Private Health Fund Rebate
Each Private Health Care Fund differs in terms of accessible rebates for psychological treatment. Please contact your provider to discuss what entitlements, if any, are available to you.

Other Programs
Dovespace provides services to a range of corporate and government agencies.

#### These sorts of links useful for SEO as well as generating new busienss maybe? ####

If you work for a large corporation, you may be eligible to access counselling at Cairns Psychologists through your Employers Employee Assistance Program (EAP) service. Please contact your employer’s Human Resources (HR) department to determine if this mode of access applies to you and your family members.

Dove Space has engagement with the following EAP providers:

Cancellation Policy
When appointments are cancelled with late notice it is unlikely that this time slot can be filled. This results in a loss of income and means that other clients waiting for appointments miss out. For appointments cancelled with less than 24hours notice, the policy of this practice is to charge a fee of $75.00 payable at your next visit.

Fees #2. Checked a few sites, some do list prices?